Preventing Eating Disorders As We Head Back To School

If you are spinning with “back-to-school” overwhelm, I see you.

Navigating our way back to in-person experiences, all at once, all together now, is creating new kind of anxiety for students, parents and guardians, teachers, and administrators alike. Coping with the stress of returning to school during this prolonged pandemic is tough on everyone’s mental health. I’m afraid the geatest burden is falling on our kids.

Disordered eating and exercise patterns many times develop as a way to cope during times of stress. The times we are living through are placing our kiddos at a greater risk of developing disordered relationships with food, eating, exercise, and their bodies. We have evidence of this with the increase in demand for treatment locally, state-wide and nationally. It is deeply concerning that this demand far exceeds our resources for both at both out-patient and in-patient levels.

Take Action

There are action steps we can take to raise kids with more eating competency and body confidence!

If you, or someone you love, is concerned about food and eating anxieties, body shame and eating disorders in kids and teens, I am writing this for you. I have gathered this list of excellent resources for you. I am grateful for the many committed professionals who are providing helpful resources during this challening time. If you are on Instagram and listen to Podcasts, you are in luck!

If a podcast or account is cultivating guilt about food, how you are eating and feeding your family, and/or your body-Please unfollow!

This is by no means a comprehensive list but a helpful place to begin. Also, follow me on Instagram for ongoing posts about this subject. Please let me know if I have neglected to mention a resource you find to be helpful. Please share and save. Our kids need us!


Sunnyside Up Nutrition podcast

Comfort Food podcast

How to Help your Kids Hold Onto Intutive Eating and Resist Diet Culture

Feeding Humans podcast











The Lunch Box Card


How to Raise an Intutive Eater: Raising the Next Generation with Food and Body Confidence Sumner Brooks and Amee Severson

The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image and Guilt in America Virginia Sole-Smith

Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out, and Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight Lindo Bacon

More Than a Body: Your Body is an Instrument, Not an Ornament Lindsay and Lexi Kite

No Weigh! A Teen’s Guide to Positive Body Image, Food and Emotional Wisdom Wendy Sterling, Shelley Agarwal, and Signe Darpinian

This is by no means a comprehensive list but a helpful place to begin. Also, follow me on Instagram for ongoing posts about this subject. Please let me know if I have neglected to mention a resource you found to be helpful. Please share and save. Our kids need us!


What to Expect Downstream (from your new food rules & diet plan)


Post-Pandemic Body Anxiety Goes To The Beach