About Body In Mind Nutrition
Our Philosophy
We believe that all bodies are worthy bodies. This means that we are LGBTQIA+ affirming, respectful of your race, culture and lived experiences, your age and most importantly, your body size. We are HAES (Health at Every Size) aligned. See our FAQ section if you would like to learn more about HAES. There is no wrong way to have a body.
We also believe that all foods can fit. We are committed to helping you make peace with food and begin to dismantle the diet culture rules about eating you may have learned. We intend to help you discover what foods provide your unique body with vitality, satisfaction, well-being and pleasure.
We believe that all people carry within them the wisdom to nurture and support themselves.
Our Mission
To prevent and treat disordered eating with respect for people of all ages, races, religions, body sizes, gender identities, sexual orientations, and neurological as well as physical abilities.
To support your recovery from disordered eating with respect for you as a unique individual.
To help you rediscover and reclaim your true self, along with the resilience and strength that is developed along the way.
Our Method
We believe that healing takes place within relationships. Therefore, we place you at the center of our process with respect, true listening, and compassion. Our Individualized Sessions are designed to get to know you and create a safe space for you to process and heal your relationship with food, eating and body. If it is appropriate and helpful, we will include your family and those who support you in this process as well.
We also offer Groups, Online Courses, Body Respect Yoga Classes, Workshops and Retreats to create community and social support for your process.

At Body in Mind Nutrition, we provide individualized nutrition therapy to support your physical and mental vitality, your emotional well-being, and a greater sense of ease in your body. We do not believe in quick fixes, fads or weight loss diets-as a matter of fact, we work to dismantle diet culture, especially the diet culture messages you may have internalized. Our intention is to support you in healing your relationship with food, eating and your body. We believe that all bodies are worthy bodies and use a non-diet approach. We focus our efforts on partnering with you in making sustainable choices to support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We Are Here To Help You Discover…

“Debra Benfield is one of those rare nutrition therapists who has a deep understanding of the complex issues that underlie disordered eating. I hold her work in the highest regard.”
Our Rates
Debra Benfield Consulting/Body in Mind Nutrition is in-network with most Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna plans including the NC State Health Plan. If you have one of these insurance plans, we will file medical claims on your behalf.
Note: We are NOT in network with the BCBS NC Blue Local or Blue Home.
If you will be using your health insurance policy to cover a portion of your nutrition therapy, you will need to understand your coverage, including your co-pays, co-insurance and deductible. We strongly recommend you contact your insurance company prior to your first visit (see FAQ below).
Self Pay / Out of Network
We are out of network with other insurance companies. We can provide you with a “superbill,” which can be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement. You can call your insurance company to inquire about your out-of-network benefits (see FAQ below). If we are out of network with your insurance company, you will need to pay for your sessions at the time of service. If you choose to submit the superbill to your insurance company, the reimbursement will be paid directly to you.
As of January 1, 2022 all healthcare providers are required to provide estimates for the costs of your care, if we are not filing directly with your insurance company. A Good Faith Estimate will be provided as part of your client process. While it is difficult to predict the number of sessions you will ultimately need to reach your treatment goals, we strive to be as transparent as possible about the cost of treatment.
Session Fees
Thank you for trusting the Registered Dietitians/Nutritionists of Body in Mind Nutrition with your care and for being a part of our community.
Our fee for 50-minute follow-up sessions is $190.55, adjusted to $196.55 if you pay by credit/debit card to cover processing fees.
If you are a new client, initial sessions will be $231.75, adjusted to $239.00 if you pay by credit/debit card to cover processing fees.
Debra Benfield Consulting (Debra Benfield and Associates) is in-network with most BCBS and Aetna plans including the NC State Health Plan and will file medical claims on your behalf.
If you will be using your health insurance policy to cover a portion of your nutrition therapy, you will need to understand your coverage, including your co-pays, co-insurance and deductible. It is important that you contact your insurance company prior to your first visit, so that we know how much to bill you. Please call the Customer Service telephone number on the back of your insurance card.
We are out of network with other insurance companies. We can provide you with a “superbill,” which can be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement. You can call your insurance company to inquire about your out of network benefits. If we are out of network with your insurance company, you will need to pay for your sessions at the time of service, and the reimbursement will be paid directly to you.
When calling your insurance company, ask the following questions to help determine your coverage:
・Is Debra Benfield Consulting (NPI number 1588131817) currently an in-network provider for my plan?
・If not, what are my out-of-network benefits?
・Does my plan cover outpatient nutrition counseling, CPT codes 97802 (nutrition assessment), 97803 (follow up), or 97904 (group)? If you have diabetes, you may also want to ask about diabetes management codes, G0108 (individual) and G0109 (group).
・Do I have any nutrition counseling visits covered under the preventative care portion of my plan, (ICD-10 code Z71.3)?
・Do I need a physician referral?
・Do I have a deductible for “Nutritional Counseling Services”?
・If yes, how much is it and how much has been met so far?
・Is there a copayment for each visit or do I have co-insurance? If I have co-insurance, what is the percentage of coverage?
・How many sessions are covered per year?
・What month does the policy year renew?
・Are there any restrictions and/or limitations to my coverage?
Please bring your insurance card, along with the answer to these questions, to your first visit. Please note that we will not accurately know how much insurance will pay until we have filed and received payment. After that, we will adjust your balance accordingly.
A registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) is a food, nutrition and eating behavior expert. RDNs must successfully:
・Graduate with a bachelor’s degree from an American Dietetic Association (ADA) accredited university or college nutrition program.
・Complete an internship at an ADA accredited supervised practice program (typically 9-12 months).
・Pass a national exam administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).
・Design, submit and maintain a Professional Development Portfolio approved by the CDR.
・Complete 75 continuing education credit hours every five years.
・Maintain state licensure (In North Carolina, the State of North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition).
For complete information visit The American Dietetic Association.
Nutrition Therapist (RD with advanced skill set): meets with the patient over a longer period of time and encounters the complex area of human relationship dynamics. Level of involvement is individualized depending upon the division of responsibilities within the treatment team. It is recognized that by necessity RDs have had to learn basic counseling and behavior change skills, as they deal with changing eating behaviors for many diagnosed illnesses.
The nutrition therapist must be able to effectively recognize, assess, and appropriately plan treatment for a patient with an Eating Disorder.
Our RDs have Master’s level educations along with advanced‐level training via self‐study and continued education. The care you receive at Body in Mind Nutrition/Debra Benfield Consulting is provided by RDs who receive regular supervision with an CEDRD-S (an International Association of Eating Disorders Professional (IAEDP)-approved Supervisor.)
The chronic nature of our culture’s obsession with both weight and food rules has created harm and fractured our natural ability to trust our body’s ability to regulate our eating. Intuitive Eating is an approach developed to help you heal from the side effects of chronically following food rules or “diets”. If you have tried to follow food rules, you likely experience a “diet backlash”. This may include an increase in rigidity in seeing foods as “good” and “bad”, restricting that may lead to binge eating, and difficulty in trusting yourself with food and eating.
An intuitive eater is defined as a person who “makes food choices without experiencing guilt or an ethical dilemma, honors hunger, respects fullness and enjoys the pleasure of eating.” We offer both individual and group programs to support your process of becoming an Intuitive Eater.
The Health At Every Size® Principles are:
1. Weight Inclusivity: Accept and respect the inherent diversity of body shapes and sizes and reject the idealizing or pathologizing of specific weights.
2. Health Enhancement: Support health policies that improve and equalize access to information and services, and personal practices that improve human well-being, including attention to individual physical, economic, social, spiritual, emotional, and other needs.
3. Respectful Care: Acknowledge our biases, and work to end weight discrimination, weight stigma, and weight bias. Provide information and services from an understanding that socio-economic status, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and other identities impact weight stigma, and support environments that address these inequities.
4. Eating for Well-Being: Promote flexible, individualized eating based on hunger, satiety, nutritional needs, and pleasure, rather than any externally regulated eating plan focused on weight control.
5. Life-Enhancing Movement: Support physical activities that allow people of all sizes, abilities, and interests to engage in enjoyable movement, to the degree that they choose.
Source: Association of Size Diversity and Health/ASDAH
We understand that chronic dieting and eating disorders make it challenging to make changes to your relationship to food, eating and your body. Feeling ready to let go of your habits and rules may feel a little shaky. We understand and are committed to partnering with you, respectfully. We will encourage and support you as you make your way to making peace with food, eating and your body.
Currently, Family-Based Treatment is considered the best treatment for children and teens diagnosed with eating disorders. All associates of Body in Mind Nutrition have received training in providing Family-Based Treatment.Item description
The providers of Body in Mind Nutrition are committed to supporting families in raising kids who feel comfortable and confident with food and body image, as well as competency in their eating. We utilize the Division of Responsibility (DOR) developed by the Ellyn Satter Institute in our work with families.
“Eating Competence is being comfortable and flexible with eating as well as matter-of-fact and reliable about getting enough to eat of enjoyable food. Even though they don’t worry about what and how much to eat, competent eaters do better nutritionally, are more active, sleep better, and have better lab tests. They are more self-aware and self-accepting, not only with food, but in all ways. To be a competent eater, be relaxed, self-trusting, and joyful about eating, and take good care of yourself with food.”
Source: Ellyn Satter Institute